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PCLL 2016出Offer啦! 你check左未?

又到一年一度令所有Law友魂牽夢繞的PCLL Offer季節


苦讀多年考 A-level / DSE成為高材生讀Law

但大概不足50%人能考入PCLL展開做律師的康莊大道 (也有人說是中伏的不歸路)


考不進的,則大概從此與律師夢Kiss Goodbye,人生從此黯淡許多 (也有大量例外)。

應屆MMU 畢業生在8月19日收到PCLL Offer 投稿如下:

“Hi SJ,

It has been great reading your website. Just would like to contribute a bit. I just got my PCLL part-time offer today. I am from MMU top up LL.B. with overall score of 66+. Just hope that will give some insight to future students for ref :)”

應屆HKU LLB畢業生在6月1日收到PCLL Offer 投稿如下:


just writing to share some info about 2016 HKU PCLL admission

I’m a LLB student at HKU. Today (1 June 2016) a number of friends of mine and I have received Full-time PCLL offer from HKU, conditional upon finishing all the compulsory law courses (i.e. the semester 2 ones with grades pending) and attaining a minimum law GPA of 3.2 and cGPA of 3.1.

I don’t think the conditional line would be the final line for admission of full-time positions this year. They are relatively high perhaps because those are the first batch offers. So if you were to post it please include this paragraph to ensure that people don’t panic.

FYI the people I know that got offers today have cGPA of 3.4x/3.5x and similar law GPAs, but given the small samples I have this would not be conclusive

I remember seeing PCLL admission posts on SJ every year so just want to contribute to this year’s version. Thanks!

Credit: HKU


估計最低要求:GPA 3.2, cGPA 3.1 !


“Hi SJ

A few of my friends and I have received our conditional offers for HKU PCLL early to late May. We are all LLB students at a UK university. Our offers were all conditional upon attaining an average of 64%.

Hope this is useful to others!

Please keep this message anonymised. Thanks. ” – Anonymous 4.6.2016


“I am a Cityu JD student. For your information, I have just received conditional offer for PCLL (subject to obtaining a “credit” for the JD degree, which is equivalent to CGPA 3.2 or above). The email notifying me of the conditional offer was received today. Thanks for all the useful information provided all along! Cheers! PS. Please keep this message anonymous, thanks a lot.” –Anonymous 6.7.2016

“To whom it may concern:

I am happy to share with you my CityU pcll offer. A conditional offer has been given to me in early June 2016. I am from a UK University ranking just below the top Universities such as Oxbridge, LSE, UCL and KCL. The conditions were graduating with a second upper class honour classification and passing all the core modules. My core average mark is a bare 2:1 and my overall classification is a solid 2:1.” – Anonymous 6.7.2016

I hope this is helpful.”

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